Yeah, we've made a mistake somewhere along the line."
You haven't heard of Stephen Marshall. You've seen his work, though, if you've seen Eminem's music video for White America. And if you dismiss Eminem out of hand, simply for being Eminem, I suggest you take a closer listen to his lyrics. Stephen Marshall is a founding member of the Guerilla News Network. In his latest book, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Marshall addresses the prophets of the profits, the popular ideological supporters of global free-market capitalism.
An except of the book, directed at Thomas Friedman, is available here. It's worth checking out, so again, click on these words to read it. Friedman's a veteran reporter and op-ed writer for the New York Times. He won a Pullitzer prize for his reporting of the 1982 Sabra-Shatila massacre in Lebanon, in which thousands of civilians were murdered by local militias with the knowledge and support of the Israeli Defence Force. Despite being considered by many (including Chomsky) to be an apologist for Zionism in general, the account - especially so soon after the event - included the most significant facts of the atrocity. Honestly, I'm not convinced he's as bad as some make him out to be - just professional, which perhaps is bad enough.
Friedman's latest book, The World is Flat, is a look at the progress of what's commonly called globalisation. It's been a Times bestseller for fucken ages. Marshall takes some effort to reply, "Sorry, Thomas Friedman. The world is round."
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on Friday, July 6
at Friday, July 06, 2007
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guerilla network news,
stephen marshall,
thomas friedman
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