With a choice selection of quotes (each of which informs my points better than I did myself) to accompany them, I present to you, Arran Hunt and Matt O'Brien, your required reading, (precedence given, of course, to the unforgottenest quote of the night): "In the pseudoiterative, one performs the ritual of the day, attentive to both the joy of the familiar and the shiver of the accidental.”―Kim Stanley Robinson, "2312" Your reading list is thus: http://bit.ly/1JdlZJC, “Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation.” http://bit.ly/1ePqfoX's_Children, "Cut loose the past; it is dead weight. Let the Extirpation continue. Let it never end. (Somewhat ironic.)” http://bit.ly/1Jdm1kK, "For the first time in his life he felt that edged and spicy mixture of anger and amusement called 'pique'." (Not strictly relevant, but I really like the quote.) http://bit.ly/1ePqfFj, “Every stink that fights the ventilator thinks it is Don Quixote.” http://bit.ly/1JdlZJF, “I have sometimes thought that the reason the trees are so quiet in the summer is that they are in a sort of ecstasy; it is in winter, when the biologists tell us they sleep, that they are most awake, because the sun is gone and they are addicts without their drug, sleeping restlessly and often waking, walking the dark corridors of forests searching for the sun.” It should go without saying that this list is far from complete.
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on Sunday, June 28
at Sunday, June 28, 2015
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